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Automatická analýza

a expertní návody pro řešení problémů

Granular Data for Proactive Analysis

Get granular, real-time data into network and application performance statistics and errors– essential for troubleshooting intermittent and past problems and determining if traffic bursts are the cause of performance problems. This granular data can be gathered proactively and stored for 24 hours so that you can go ‘back in time’ to analyze the data collected when the problem surfaced.

Automated Problem Detection

OptiView™ XG automatically scans for errors in the network infrastructure. These errors are collected in a Problem Log that can be categorized and sorted. Examples of problems detected are: performance problems, duplicate IP addresses, incorrect subnet masks, default router not responding and many more.

Guided Troubleshooting

There are a lot of different errors and problems that can occur on your network and not having the probable cause and resolution readily available increases the time required to solve problems. The built-in “Guided Troubleshooting” engine reduces the time required to identify the root cause and fix the issue, increasing staff efficiency. Clicking on any problem in the problem log immediately shows you the probable cause, potential impacts, and possible solutions for the problem.

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